Road Map of Social Enterprises

The project entitled “Road Map of Social Enterprises” runs in the frame of Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Capacity building in the field of youth, with Youth Alliance – Krusevo as a the Lead Applicant Organization and Association of Active Youths of Florina as a Partner organization. The project includes eight organizations representing North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, and Greece. Moreover, the project addresses the need to raise the capacities of the organizations in the terms of active use of digital tools enabling active engagement of young people, their involvement in society, decision-making processes, and supporting their employability.


Project objectives:

– to enhance capacities of 8 youth organizations to use digital tools to support engagement of young people and interaction between representatives of different sectors with the goal to create supportive social entrepreneurial environment in their countries;

– to improve the social entrepreneurial environment in participating countries by developing new tool, a MAP, enabling interaction between the representatives of different sectors, supporting learning of young people, their active engagement and entrepreneurial mindset;

– to support cooperation between Programme and Partner countries representing the Western Balkan, exchanging lessons learned and setting base for future cooperation in the framework of social entrepreneurship and addressing youth unemployment.


– the project will contribute to creating supportive social entrepreneurial environment in participating countries;

– the project will develop a durable, tool, a MAP, website and application for networking, knowledge exchange about social entrepreneurship with concrete examples of social enterprises and tools supporting cross-sectorial cooperation;

– the project will support cooperation between Programme and Partner countries and development of new project initiatives addressing youth unemployment and developing the entrepreneurial mindset of young people.

To find out more about the project and its phases, follow the link:

Stay tuned!

Active Youths:

Europe Direct Western Macedonia:

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